
Pella’s Tulip Queens & Courts 1940-49

Queen Leona Schilder Zylstra (1940)

Court Members

Virginia Kempkes Vermeer, Helen Klyn VandeKieft, Marge Veenman VanZee, Martha VanBerkum Weidemeier

1940- queen

1940- queen crowning

1940- court

Queen Marge Veenman VanZee (1941)

Court Members

Virginia Kempkes Vermeer, Helen Klyn VandeKieft, Lois VandenBerg, Jeanne VanGorkom Lokerse

1941- court

Queen Jeanne VanGorkom Lokerse (1942)

Court Members

Ruth Klein Green, Janet VandeKeift, Marcia VerSteeg, Theresa Wormhoudt

1942- article

1942- queen & court

1942- queen crowning

Queen Ruth Klein Green (1943)

Court Members

Virginia Carpenter, Carol Cook, Madeline Diekema, Jeanette Lankeima

1943- queen


Queen Martha VanBerkum Weidemeier (1944)

Court Members

Francene DePrenger, Margaret DeWild, Phyllis VanEe, Georgia VanGorkum

Q44 copy


Pella’s Tulip Time Festival was not held due to WWII.

Queen Ruth VandeGeest Flietstra (1947)

Court Members

Uella Dingeman Peters, Bernice Heerema VanderPloeg, Bernice Jaarsma, Ruth Vogelaar

Q47 copy


Queen Beverly Thomassen Greving (1948)

Court Members

MaryLou Kamerick, Bernice Heerema VanderPloeg, Verla VanderStreek Wade, Ella Jane VanSlittert Jansen

Q48 copy

Queen Lorraine DeHaan Porter (1949)

Court Members

Beulah DeHeer, Ruth DenAdel, Mildred Hugen, Elaine VanderPloeg

Q49 copy


Flower Girl

Elaine Van Dellen

Memories from Queen Lorraine:

The year 1949 was a very special one for me.  I was 17 when I was chosen to be Pella’s Tulip Queen.  The townspeople nominated the candidates.  Any girl who was a high school senior or college age and lived in the Pella area was eligible.  From the nominees twelve were elected for interviews and from that group, five were chosen.  The announcement program was held at the Legion Hall.  My court members were Beulah De Heer Van Berkum, Millie Hugen Hoeksma, Elaine Vander Ploeg Postema and Ruth Den Adel Fazio.  One of the flower girls was Elaine Van Dellen, great great granddaughter of Dominie Scholte.

My Dad, Ray De Haan, was very involved in taking the five of us to Des Moines where we met with the governor, invited him to Tulip Time, and, of course, brought Dutch letters and cookies.  TV was still in its infancy but it was quite an experience to be interviewed on the radio. 

It was quite a thrill to be picked up each day by a Highway Patrolman and driven to the parade area. The Queen was crowned on the old bandstand at the north end of Central Park by the Burgemeester, Dr. Tom Fultz, and each day, we picked our own tulips for our bouquets!  In those days, the Queen and Attendants wore formals.  When we did wear Dutch costumes for pictures, we wore our own.  Mine was from the Province of Friesland. Our float, which had been specially designed, was shaped like a huge sailing ship with oars.  Acting as oarsmen, the attendants were surprised to find that they were seated on nail kegs – they were glad there was only one parade a day! 

Governor William Beardsley attended the celebration on Saturday and assisted in the street scrubbing.  The Governor commended Pella for its festival and holding fast to the fine traditions and customs.  He was given a pair of wooden shoes following his talk.  Another memorable event occurred when a visitor to the festival lost the diamond from her ring.  She was surprised to find that it had been turned in at the Tulip Time headquarters.  Also notable was the presentation of the operetta, The Blue Tulip, staged at West Market Park. 

I am especially happy to be able to share this unique experience with my granddaughter, Cassidy Mejia, who was selected to be on the Queen’s Court in 2008.